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Kenora Mining District




Targets Identified


100% Ashley Gold Corp


315 HA

Target Style

Shear hosted Quartz Veins


Ashley Gold Corp

2023 Planned Program

Preliminary Exploration


Ashley Gold Corp purchased a 15 claim block (315 hectares) located 50 km east of Dryden, Ontario. The Dryden-Sioux lookout area of NW Ontario is situated on a broad shear zone potentially related to the Wabigoon Fault. Gold mineralization was first discovered on the property in 1937 in shear-hosted quartz veins. Strong quartz-ankerite-sericite alteration is a prominent feature of the shear zone. Grab samples recorded gold values as high as 26.03 g/t Au and has confirmed the high-grade potential of the property.

Alto-Gardnar is strategically located near Treasury Metals Inc. (TML.V) Goliath Gold Complex with a Measured and Indicated Resource estimate of 2,138,600 ounces of Gold across a 65 km trend in a 330km2 package. Treasury Metals has commenced the process of receiving additional permits and approvals to construct and operate the Goliath Gold Project (Mine + Mill).

Historical Highlights


The Alto-Gardnar property is situated in the Melgund Lake-Big Sandy Lake area of MacFie Township in northwestern Ontario. It lies within the Wabigoon Sub province of the Archean Superior Province (Berger, op.cit.). The area is underlain by metavolcanics and metasedimentary supracrustal rocks of the Minnitaki Group metasediments and Southern Volcanic Belt metavolcanics. Supracrustals have been intruded by four felsic stocks and batholiths, the largest of which is the Basket Lake Batholith which occurs immediately to the east of the Alto-Gardnar showings.

The area exhibits multiple deformation events with late northeast trending fold axes (Berger, op.cit.) and northeast-trending faults, the most prominient of which is the Wabigoon Fault. It is postulated to be the boundary between the Wabigoon and English River Subprovinces (Breaks, Blackburn, in Berger, op.cit.)


Gold mineralization occurs in three distinct settings

1. Shear-hosted quartz veins in metavolcanics.
2. Quartz-carbonate alteration zones.
3. Iron formation-hosted sulphide mineralization.

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